As we come to the end of this term I would like to say thank you for all of your support across the year. We have had such a busy year and it’s hard to believe we are at the end of yet another one! We have enjoyed Christmas Performances, Christmas parties, theatre/museum visits, parental engagement sessions, beach trips, sports competitions, charity days, Y6 residential visit to Robinwood and Sports Days to name but a few things and of course our 30th Anniversary celebrations.
Due to all of your fantastic support and the hard work from all of the children and staff we have had yet another successful year – well done everyone!
I’d like to take this opportunity to wish all of Y6 the very best of luck as they leave our school. You are all so ready for the next chapter in your school life and your new school are very lucky to have you all. We are all very proud of the fabulous young people you have grown into. Continue to aim high everyone and you will reap the rewards!
Have a fabulous summer with your friends and family and I look forward to welcoming you all back in the new year.
A reminder that we return to school on Tuesday September 5th.