Welcome back to another new and exciting school year. All the children look really smart in their new uniforms and many have grown so much since I last saw them! Our Reception children have made a fabulous start to their full time journey too. Lots of smiles and not many tears, well done everyone! Welcome also to the children and staff who have joined us from other schools.
All of the children look really smart in their new uniforms so thank you once again for supporting our uniform policy. It makes a real difference. Please remember to write your child’s name into all items of clothing, even jumpers with initials on, as it helps us return lost items promptly. A reminder that trainers are not allowed to be worn.
A gentle reminder that earrings are not allowed to be worn in school so need to be removed before the start of the day please.
Another gentle reminder that dogs are not allowed on the school playgrounds even being carried. Many thanks for your support with this.
School Meals
Please can all meals be paid for at the beginning of each week, dinners are free for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. The cost of a meal is now £2.45 a day. If your child wants to change from a school meal to a packed lunch or vice-versa then please let the office staff know.
PD Days
School will be closed to pupils due to PD days this year on:
- 4th September 2023
- 24th November 2023
- 19th February 2024
- 3rd June 2024
- 22nd July 2024
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you wish to discuss anything further. My door is always open.