Science Ambassadors

Science Ambassadors are those children who have shown an extra interest in all things Science. They have shown a flair for the subject and are always keen to share facts and discuss what they know. Teachers in Year 5 and 6 are asked who they recommend for the role and then children are spoken to individually to see if they are interested to take part. Their role in school to is to help raise the profile of Science by helping to hold assemblies and lead their own activities with younger children in school during events such as World Space Week and World Science Week, as well as throughout the academic year too.

The children have previously helped work towards gaining our Space Education Quality Mark award, which included attending a Space Camp. We aim to have further opportunities to attend a Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths (STEM) after-school club in addition to their in-school activities.
The Science Ambassadors meet regularly to share information, plan activities and work together. We are always keen to attend Science training to further our knowledge and learn new ways to engage our peers in Science too.

Meet this year’s Science Ambassadors.