
Our teaching of spellings is supported by the Read Write Inc Spellings programme.  Using a proven approach underpinned by phonics, fast–paced lessons and an online subscription, Read Write Inc. Spelling prepares children for the higher demands of the statutory spelling assessments in England. An introductory video clip of the programme can be viewed here.

Upon completion of the Read Write Inc Phonics programme, children are ready to begin the spellings programme.  Children can begin the programme in Year 2 and it continues throughout Years 3-6.  At Wheatlands we have a timetabled 15 minute daily slot for spellings to be taught.

Using a range of online activities, teaching activities and peer to peer work, our children are introduced to spelling rules and strategies which they can then apply to their independent written work.

Children are assessed every half term and work reviewed regularly.  Within school, children complete Practice books for their daily work and use log books to record spelling words and words from the Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 word list.