School Meals

Lunches are served in the school hall. Children in Reception, Year One and Year Two are entitled to a free universal school meal. There is always a choice of food, including salad provided for those children who have school dinners and provision can be made for children with diagnosed dietary requirements. Menus for the half term can be accessed below. The cost of a school meal is currently £2.55 a day.

A free school meal is provided for those children whose parents or carers are on a low income. Forms are available from the school office to apply if you think you may be eligible. Every enquiry will be dealt with in strictest confidence. Alternatively you can ring the local authority on 01642 774774 and apply over the phone.

Packed lunches may be brought in suitable named containers. Drinks must not be in glass bottles or cans. If you do send a packed lunch we would ask you to think carefully about what goes into it.

Please let us know a week in advance if you plan to change your child’s lunch time arrangements.

Breaktime Refreshments

Wheatlands promotes healthy eating. Sweets are not allowed at break but children can bring fruit or raw vegetables as a snack. Children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 are provided with fruit as part of the Government’s fruit scheme.

Lunch Menus Oct 2024