
At Wheatlands we use Core Texts to teach English alongside other sources such as images, films and short clips. Each year group’s Core Texts and final pieces of writing across the year can be seen below:

Nursery Core Texts
Reception Core Texts
Year 1 Core Texts
Year 2 Core Texts
Year 3 Core Texts
Year 4 Core Texts
Year 5 Core Texts
Year 6 Core Texts

We teach writing through a range of different methods:

Familiarisation (Exposure to many samples of a writing genre).

The writing process begins by looking at examples with a focus on a model text or paragraph. The children work with talking partners to become familiar with the language and structure of the text. Drama, text mapping or story boarding may be used to further familiarize the children.

Modelled Writing (Writing for the children).

This is usually a whole class session where the teacher is demonstrating how to write by ‘thinking aloud’ as he/she composes and interacts with the text in front of the pupils. This allows the children to hear the thinking process that is going on during the writing process. Modelled writing is not an interactive writing time between teacher and pupils.

Shared Writing (Writing with the children).

This is a joint construction of the text between the teacher and the children. The teacher is acting as the scribe but the children have ownership of the text. As they are not directly engaged in the physical demand of the writing, they are better able to concentrate on the compositional aspects of the work and contribute a wide range of ideas.

Planning Writing

Before the children are able to write independently they are supported to plan their writing.

Independent Writing (Writing by the children).

Before the children are able to write independently they are supported to plan their writing. Children need many opportunities for independent writing in a variety of forms, based upon both teacher guidance and their own choice of topic. The purpose of independent writing is to put into practice the ideas, structures and skills that they have seen demonstrated in modelled and shared writing. During independent writing children are given opportunities to and encouraged to edit and improve their writing.



Written work is celebrated and Teachers choose a Star Writer each week.  Their work is displayed in the library and they receive a certificate within our ‘Good Work’ assembly.  Children’s work is often displayed within class and children enjoy the chance to see their work on display.